Thursday, 20 December 2012

CEOs talk..,.we believe that the greatest need of Africa is not aid but leadership. Leadership educated to global standards that can man the institutions of democracy and drive economic growth - creating jobs increasing incomes and reducing poverty.
Only the best is good enough for Africa
Coming up soon. in the high schools a colleges in Ghana..
Its now in Gh. tailored to address and solve the problems that affect academic excellence and career development.
As Dr. Kwegyiri Aggrey, a Ghanaian Pan African said ''only the best is good enough for Africa.''
watch out..

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Africa needs ethical & entrepreneurial leaders.
CEOs talk is set out to raise a new generation of leaders & scholars that will confront the status quo in the society making the world a better place.
As Dr Kwegyiri Aggrey,  a Ghanaian Pan African said ''only the best is good enough for Africa''.. so lets work together to build a new Africa and the world.
Ghana is the starting point for Africa.
Excellence must be encouraged because it is possible.
  CEOs talk